AQUILA  Taxi Meters Available T2 MkII T Tiny T2D MkII Fitted from Just  £210.00 On the T2D Or from £235.00 For the  T2MII  And T-Tiny Viking 5 Fitted from  as little as £199.00 Pictured to the right AQUILA TAXI METERS   Sales • installation  • Service &  VIKING TAXI METERS    Sales •  Installation • Service All taxi meters supplied are fitted and calibrated to your council’s tariffs, additional installations for roof sign, radio and windscreen for hire sign are available at time of fitting or at a later date

The Viking 5 pictured above is a small meter packed with the ability to cope with multiple tariffs and can have individual driver logins up to 3 drivers and 3 sets of driver totals

The T2MII pictured above looks identical to the T2D but has a time display and can be calendar or manually controlled for more details click on the image above

The T-Tiny pictured above has a time display and can be manually or calendar controlled and as with all Aquila meters the ability to handle multiple tariffs display can be dimmed as can the buttons

aquila T2 MkII aquila T-Tiny Viking Mirror Meter


Ready for fitting NOW also available With a Blue LED Display


Why not take a quick look here and it’s competitively priced too

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